20 Women Fashion Hacks That Have Changed Daily Routine

14. Rethread Drawstring with Drinking Straw or Safety Pin

Rethread Drawstring with Drinking Straw or Safety Pin-20 Lady Girl Fashion Hacks

Image and Instructions: Little Things;

15. Correct Way to Fold T-shirts into Drawer

Correct Way to Fold T-shirts into Drawer-20 Lady Girl Fashion Hacks.jpg

Image and Instructions: Darkroom & Dearly

16. Stretch tight shoes in freezer with a bag of water in ziplock.

Stretch tight shoes in freezer-20 Lady Girl Fashion Hacks

Image and Instructions: Better Remade

17. Break in stiff or too-snug shoes by slipping them on with socks and blasting your feet with a hot hairdryer.

Break in stiff shoes with socks and hot hairdryer-20 Lady Girl Fashion Hacks

Image and Instructions:  Style Caster

18. Choose Right Necklaces with your neckline

Choose Right Necklaces with your neckline-20 Lady Girl Fashion Hacks

Image and Instructions:  Inside Out Style

19. Use a panty liner to block sweat from making stains on your favorite shirts.

Panty liner to block sweat stains on shirts.-20 Lady Girl Fashion Hacks

Image: Pinterest; Instructions: Wiki How

20. Trick to Take In Jean Waist Gap

Take In Jean Waist Gap-20 Lady Girl Fashion Hacks

Image and Instructions: I Am Momma Hear Me Roar

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